Stepping In to Resilience Through Her Mother’s Alcoholism and Suicide with Jennifer Royal

In the episode, Kara is stepping in with a woman who basically raised herself as well as often functioning as the caretaker to her alcoholic mom. Jennifer Royal grew up as an only child with a single mom who struggled with alcoholism and ultimately took her own life. Jen shares stories of resilience and survival as a young girl who had to figure out how to get what she needed to survive. Her mom did get sober for a time and Jennifer experienced much positive benefit from attending AA meeting with her but unfortunately her mom never did the full work to heal addictive tendencies. There were good times and high points but there was always a thread of manipulation running through, she was never really standing in her power to take care of herself. Kara and Jen talk about the grief and sadness related to not having a childhood which came up as she had her own children as well as Jen’s journey to neurofeedback and igniting her “healer energy” inspired by her mom’s untapped potential. This unthinkable story of trauma and resilience will take your breath away.

Connect with Jennifer:

Jennifer is a Certified IASIS Technician in Nashville, TN.  She has extensive experience in the field of functional medicine and nutrition. Her husband is a holistically trained chiropractic physician and together they work in serving our Nashville clients with a unique approach to brain health and wellness.


Stepping In to Sharing The Honest Truth Through Her Story of Postpartum Depression with Holly Fisher


Stepping In to Discover Purpose and Create a New Life After Losing Her Husband and Best Friend with Sue Peters